: NAND flash-based SSD 속의 랜섬웨어를 방어하는 방법 중 하나
랜섬웨어: ransom을 수집하기 위해 사용자의 데이터를 소유하는 악성 소프트웨어
- locker ransomware
- crypto ransomware
랜섬웨어에 있어 불변하는 특징들
- I/O Distribution analysis of ransomware's
- Ransomeware's class
- Common pattern
- Overwriting (=unrecoverable)
- Invariant feature
Limitation 1) Data Loss
- - File type-based detection
- High entropy로 인하여 easily evaded by ransomware
- - Content-based detection
- 방대한 데이터를 모니터링해야해서 CPU와 메모리 overhead
Limitation 2) Security
Detection & Recovery 에서의 어려움
- Limited resources
- Limited view of ransomeware activity
- Detection latency: teh size of the time window
Ransomeware detection accuracy
- threshold value 3
- false alarm
- Overwriting patterns: 랜섬웨어의 행동은 독특함. IO 요청
- Perfect and Instant recovery - SSD's delayed deletion
- FTL remapping, Garbage collector, Rollback, Track of old version data
- recovery를 위해 변경사항을 모두 추적하고, 데이터의 일관성을 보장해야 한다.
Large-Scale & Language-Oblivious Code Authorship Identification
DL-CAIS: System structure
- TF-IDF representations (deep representations - deep learning)
- preliminary experiment
- classification
Effect of Temporal Changes
temporal effects impact the accuracy of code authorship identification
Identification with Mixed Lanuagues
language-oblivious training and testing =
- Using 9 code files random selected of the two language
- Authorship attributions extracted from one language can help identifying programmer when using different language
Identification in Obfuscated Domain
Code-to-code obfuscation 난독화 : Stunnix and Tigress
Identification with Real-world Dataset
github public repository
DFD: Adversarial Learning-based Approach to Defend Against Website Fingerprinting
The onion Router (TOR) : support an anonymous communication through end-to-end encryption
Website Fingerprinting: WF
WF = pattern recognition from ML
attacker first train a classifier over a set of representative traffic features, extracted from a large number of websites
이를 희생자 추적 예측을 위해 사용
WTF-PAD: Web-site Traffic Fingerprinting Protection with adaptive defense
Threat Model
Goal: confidence reduction , untargeted misclassification, and targeted misclassification
Closed World, Open World
- closed: assume that users can only visit a small set of websites, taht the adversary has sampels to train his models on all of them
- open: realistic. the adversary can only train on a small fraction of the sites the user can visit
Deep Fingerprinting Defender
a client-side dummy message injection solution
- amis to conceal the sequence pattern within the packet flow and to provide a low bandwidth overhead as well
applying DFD with automatic update of the injection rate
can mitigate the deep learning-based WF attacks effects
as concealing the patterns and providing a secure website visiting behavior
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