CS/Programming Language

ML: Higher-order Functions

WakaraNai 2022. 11. 11. 16:27

Higher-order Functions : 함수의 매개변수 또는 반환값이 n차원인 함수

ex) quick sort



Predefined Higher-order Function == builtin

Curry : Curried...

파라미터가 주어지면 연속해서 적용한다. : https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Currying

하나의 함수를 반복대상의 모든 원소에 적용


Currying - Wikipedia

From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia Jump to navigation Jump to search Transforming a function in such a way that it only takes a single argument This article is about the mathematical technique. For the cooking process of this name, see Curry. For the le




python & ML

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Local Vairable Declaration : let  .... in ... end

원소가 0개, 1개, n개 일 때에 대해 각각 정의 


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